Victoria Via

Architect / Associate / Technology Lead (she/her)

Victoria Via, AIA, NCARB, is an architect licensed in New York State and Oregon. Everything she does, she does with intention, thoughtfulness, and flawless execution. She listens with curiosity, understands with empathy, and delivers with delight - her positive energy and kindness bring an unmistakable warm glow to FORA and we feel extraordinarily fortunate to have her on our team. Before FORA, Victoria worked on west coast residential projects with EVIA Studio, and prior to that, for architectural firms in NYC and DC, primarily on high-end residential projects.

Victoria is passionate about the use of innovative technologies in architecture and has experience coordinating and modeling complex building systems. She helps lead the team in BIM, and helps keep us on the leading wave of the cutting edge.

From her dependability and consistency in both work and presence, you’d never know that Victoria was on the road full-time, traveling in an RV with her husband Jeremiah during her first year! She is an enthusiastic rock climber and spends her free time climbing, traveling, and exploring nature. But after a couple of years of exploring the country together, Victoria and Jeremiah have settled into a beautiful new home in Portland, Oregon, where they enjoy soaking up all the Pacific Northwest has to offer. 

“The freedom to make and remake our cities and ourselves is one of the most precious yet most neglected of our human rights.”

-David Harvey

  • If you could go anywhere (real or fictional, at no cost), where would you go?

    I would like to visit Hogwarts someday.

  • What's your happy place?

    “I'm happiest outside, especially in the beautiful forests of the Pacific Northwest. If there's rock climbing nearby, that's even better!”

  • What's the best meal you've ever had?

    When I lived in NYC, Kajitsu was my favorite restaurant for a special occasion.

  • Coffee or tea?

    Coffee. Soy lattes for the win!

  • What's something that made you smile recently?

    I love the adorable, funny squirrels that visit my patio every day.

  • What are some things your bucket list?

    I'd like to do a tour of the world's best climbing destinations.


“The Samish House. Our ultra-modern design really compliments our client's fun personality. I love how the project sits within the beautiful, dense forestland.”