Join Us At These Exciting Events!
Presenting lessons learned, issuing findings from our research, giving tutorials like how to create a sustainability action plan, informing communities about affordable housing facts, revealing exciting new project updates, gushing about our partners’ work, and sharing our personal stories, operations, passion, and culture: whatever it may be, we love getting out there to share what we know and what we’re up to!
Interested in having us speak at one of your events? Send a note to perspectives@architectsfora.com!

Buying, Acquiring, Elevating: Three Women, Three Paths to the Top
Leah Bayer, Kate Conley, and Sarah Vaccaro are speaking at the 2023 AIA National Conference on Architecture in San Francisco where they’ll share their personal journeys to firm ownership as partners at FORA. With a record number of architects retiring from the profession in the next handful of years, they hope to empower the next, more diverse generation to confidently step into firm ownership negotiations, no matter their background.

Faster Housing Development Approvals Through Robust Community Engagement
Want faster entitlements approval? Invest in community engagement! We’re encouraging project teams to slow down and listen first to community members. Gain hyper-local knowledge and a valuable support system to accelerate and streamline the path to entitlements approval for affordable housing developments. Learn how Architects FORA accelerated approval from 15 months down to 3 months through an engaging community outreach process.
At this event you will learn to:
Engage advocacy partners to provide vital public support for your project
Demonstrate a good faith community engagement process to Authorities Having Jurisdiction over your project
Gain hyper-local knowledge to make your project design better
Watch the event recording here!

Designing for Women: Building Places that Prioritize Women & Children
FORA's Teddie Gourdet will dive into the details of our Grace Village project designed for CityTeam, explaining how researched-backed design strategies and intentionally created and tested programs create spaces where women and children feel welcomed, valued, and safe.