Roosevelt Park Apartments

New Construction / PSH / Low-income Families / Transitional-age Youth

The Roosevelt Park Apartments are designed for young adults who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, homeless families, large families, and if possible, serving foster families and/or survivors of domestic abuse. The goal of the project was to create a synergistic set of services and facilitate community building so that 80 families and transitional age youth can remain in this rich and supportive neighborhood rather than being pushed out of Silicon Valley. Following the Bill Wilson Center’s model, the goal is to have income qualified teachers, social service workers, and foster families living at Roosevelt Park Apartments who can serve as mentors for the young adults - creating a safe space where youth and young adults can build their skills and resiliency.

Project Details


San Jose, CA


First Community Housing


80 Apartments


111,188 SF


James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corp.


Under Construction

Supporting residents with a vibrant community hub.

The site is located toward the western end of the Roosevelt Park Urban Village and is surrounded by Roosevelt Community Center and Roosevelt Park, which offers picnic tables, skate parks, and baseball fields. There is a proposed BART station just 5 minutes walk down the commercial corridor, which will expand resident opportunities with convenient public transit. Walking, it is twenty minutes to downtown and fifteen minutes to San Jose State University. The nine-story mixed-use building will have two parking levels, six residential floors and a new commercial office space on the ninth floor for our client, First Community Housing, to occupy. The large family building will include studios, 1-BR, 2-BR, and 3-BR options. Common areas will include case management offices, meeting spaces, a computer lab, open lounge areas, a central laundry facility, and a large outdoor space on top of the garage podium that can accommodate a children’s play area, community garden plots, and seating.

Given the rising costs of construction and the amplified housing crisis in the Bay, it is becoming more and more important to maximize our sites. At 178 dwelling units per acre, our team maximized the site by utilizing the Urban Village designation in San Jose’s General Plan 2040. This is the first project of this scale in the newly-defined urban Village zone - which is currently in a commercial and single family corridor - serving as an anchor and catalyst for future development. Adjacent to our site will be another 125-dwelling development by First Community Housing and David Baker Architects.

Roosevelt Park Apartments has been designed as a LEED Platinum project. Sustainable building strategies include selecting healthy building materials, incorporating water and energy efficient measures, and providing each household with free Eco Passes.

Highlights / Under-construction