Architects FORA is now an AIA 2030 Commitment Signatory!

This article was written by FORA Associate and Building Performance Lead Jessica Goswick.

What is the AIA 2030 Commitment?

The AIA 2030 commitment is a program that commits firms to tracking and recording their project performance each year, working towards the goal of carbon-neutral buildings (using no fossil fuel greenhouse gas emitting energy to operate) by the year 2030. Tracking progress and establishing a baseline allow firms to make actionable goals to improve their carbon footprint.

Climate research has shown that the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of global carbon emissions. Therefore, architects have a key role to play in reducing these emissions and addressing climate change.

At Architects FORA, we believe good design works in harmony with its environment and community to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations. Joining the AIA 2030 commitment is a step towards our vision for a healthy, restorative, and resilient future for all.

If we can do it, you can too!

We are a firm of less than 20 people, but we know that our projects have large impacts. Signing onto the AIA 2030 Commitment and developing our Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) are our first steps towards making those impacts as positive as possible. 

We started by seeking out peers that are doing admirable work, sharing resources transparently, and learning from each other. The next steps are turning our words into actions, and implementing our plan in our projects and operations.

AND we need all of you to join us! Whether you are a seasoned architect or emerging professional, working at a big firm or a sole practitioner, everyone in the building industry has a role in meeting our climate goals. You can explore the AIA 2030 commitment platform here and sign on to join thousands of firms across the country in the push for a carbon neutral future. 



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